Sunday, March 24, 2013

No Excuses!

When you’re short on time or lazy it is really easy to rely on ‘convenience foods’. Especially with all the fast food chains bragging about their new healthier kids menus it might make it seem not as bad right? Take a closer look, McDonalds for example, their kids meal comes with a hamburger made out of who knows what with small fries or the new ‘fish’ bites with.. fries and last but just as least, the ‘chicken’ nuggets and…. fries. Yes, your right, they also come with apple slices. Two thoughts on that, 1- it’s not even close to a full serving of fruit, 2- How exactly does a couple slices of apple negate the rest of the empty calorie/void of nutrition meal again? Not to mention what kid is going to save room for the apple slices with an immortal burger, low quality blend-oil soaked fries covered in iodized salt and chocolate milk in front of them?? Barf.

Just because they like it does not mean they should have it. If your kid is ‘picky’ it is because you let them be. There are endless flavor combinations available which means there is zero chance the only thing your kid likes is chicken nuggets. It is up to you to help them step out of the box and ideally prevent them from getting in there in the first place. It is work, but it does not have to be time consuming or hard work at that.

This war on food we are fighting does not help either. People that are educated on the topic and want to avoid GMO foods are stuck buying strictly Organic and that can get expensive. While other people that have just scratched the surface of the issue may think buying products labeled ‘all natural’ will suffice. The ‘all natural’ label really makes me sad. Fundamentally all food is created from natural sources, sources does not mean fresh, nutritious or quality foods.  Just remember: dog shit is “all natural” too; you don’t want to put that in your mouth do you?

So organic it is. These 2 meals are organic, feasible on a budget and take about 1-½ minutes to prepare. Now there is no excuse!  

Most of you have seen the rice in the freezer section right? Comes in a box of 3 packets, pop them in the micro and it yields about 2 servings per bag? Well that’s too much to make just to feed Olive, I don’t like reheating rice nor do I want to scramble around for something to keep the leftovers in. So, I just found an answer to my prayers. It now comes in a bag that allows you to decide the portion, Thank you!!

This is a super fast breaky, organic brown rice, mango puree (also in the freezer section) and some strawberries. The end. No need to sit in a drive thru for some maple flavored sugar goo injected GMO cakes with a sausage-flavored patty of…something. This fruit packed whole grain breakfast is faster than any drive through can offer and you don’t have to feel guilty after. Like always get creative, switch up the purees and fruit to your liking.

Dinner is hard too. Everyone is just getting home and it is a bit chaotic. Of course you are in charge of homework, baths, dinner and whatever else. Dinner is an easy one to let go of. Grab that rice, a box of organic soup and call it a night. 2 minute prep time and add a salad for whoever wants one. 
 I always feel best knowing Olive went to bed on a full stomach of good food. What parent wouldn't! Whole unprocessed foods are the best for us all, but in a pinch I’d say these are the next best things!